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The 2 Week Diet Brian Flatt Review 2021 – Is This Program Even Safe For Your Health, and Can It Finally Help You Lose Weight?

The 2 Week Diet Brian Flatt Review

Looking for a program in 2021 that helps you how to lose weight in 2 weeks? Then you should check out…

The 2 Week Diet Product Review
The 2 Week Diet Product Review
Find out the truth behind one of the most talked about weight loss programs on the internet and whether or not it can help you lose weight in 2019…

There’s probably a good reason why you’re reading this and one of them is because you know that diets and exercise always turn out to be a lot of hard work.

Furthermore, diet and exercise can often be hard to stick to because it gets boring pretty quickly…especially when you don’t see results as quickly as you would like to.

What makes things worse is that we continually get lured into the latest fads that never actually work (low carbs, low fat, and low calorie)…despite what the media, celebrities, and adverts say.

The other options are pills and potions…which may be more effective, but they won’t keep you thin and certainly won’t help your overall health.

And because many diets are too strict and require you to eat bland and boring foods, it’s no wonder people are looking for something they can finally stick to, enjoy and see results as soon as possible.

We chose to review The 2 Week Diet because they avoid the low carb, low calorie, and low-fat diets that we’ve all been told we must follow to lose weight. After trying all of those diets, we know first hand that these types of diets are near impossible to follow long term, so we were intrigued to find out what sort of diet plan the 2 Week Diet program would offer.

After hearing some mixed reviews, it’s time to see firsthand what’s going on behind the scenes.

We’ll buy the product, check out what you get and what exactly the diet plan consists of. This will allow you to see firsthand whether this diet plan is right for you, whether it’s worth the time and money spent, and ultimately, whether it will actually work for you too.

What Is The 2 Week Diet?

First of all, we have the written manual. This is a guide that aims to dispel many of the common myths of fat loss and eating properly to avoid putting on weight.

The guide covers 10 core rules you need to know, from manipulating your calories, carbs, fat, and protein intake, eating habits, rotation of eating, preparation, accompanying drinks, mental attitude…right through to water consumption to walking habits!

The guide aims to show you how to change your old ineffective habits and eating plans before you actually begin your new fat loss system.

The software is slightly different, where it generates a specific set of meals based on your choices…therefore being a little more specific.

From what we can tell, you can either follow the written guide and be your own boss, or you can use the diet generator to have a specific eating plan set out for you based on your choices. However, the written guide seems to contain some general advice that will complement your actual meal plans too.

First Impressions of The 2 Week Diet Product

After opening the main written guide, we were surprised at how straight to the point and easy to read the guide was.

First, you are taken through these 10 rules to a successful diet, which doesn’t seem overbearing or too strict. They simply point out some basic do’s and don’ts along with some very simple habits to take on which we feel would be easy to accomplish, such as walking more, drinking a little more water, and going easy on salad dressings.

There are more detailed pieces of advice such as how to stop searching for certain types of foods that actually don’t help your diet (low-fat foods etc) and why certain types of exercises that people say you should do actually do not burn off any fat at all (and what you need to do instead).

We also liked the parts about low-carb diets being useless in the long term and the reasons why. This cleared a lot of things up for us and explains why so many people don’t stick to these sorts of diets (they are not designed for the long term).

Other useful information is found in eating at restaurants, how to eat foods when dining out without destroying your diet plans, and they even mention eating fast food the healthier way!

There is a ton more info ranging from water retention (the silent weight adder) right through to the myths about salads, honey and brown sugar, wheat bread, and all sorts of other fat piling foods that you’re led to believe are helping you when in reality, they are making you fatter!

Finally, there’s a useful section on alcohol consumption (how to drink alcohol and still maintain weight loss) and a couple of great chapters on eating habits throughout the day.

The software is also very easy to pick up and use. It creates specific weekly diet plans based on the 2 Week Diet principles and what types of foods you prefer.

Does It Work?

We’ve seen many testimonials on the sales page and even more mixed stories online.

Although we only had a short amount of time (4 weeks) to try the product out, we did see a significant amount of weight loss. During those 4 weeks, our testing candidate managed to lose 7 ½ lbs. Whilst not quite as much as they claim can be lost in that time, we thought that was pretty impressive considering how easy going the diet is (lots of variety and allows for some tasty foods!).

Furthermore, what is noticeable is that there was very little exercise involved in that weight loss. Our testing candidate followed the advice in the guide and took 2 brisk walks every 3 days. She walked a maximum of 5 miles in a week.

If you don’t have time for any such thing, not even a walk to your local park/shops and back, then you may experience different results of course. Furthermore, we think that some of her success was also down to her willpower to actually see it through.

Whilst this is a very easy-going diet that gives you plenty of leeways to eat varied food types, you still have that feeling that you’re on some form of diet and therefore you may get the resistant feeling to kick in to “let it all go”.

However, unlike some of the stricter calorie counting diets that force rabbit food down your throat all day and night, you don’t feel so restricted and tied down to the plan.

With a little more effort with exercise (perhaps gym or a sport, or even just a walk every day) she claims she could have easily lost a further 6 pounds in that time.

It’s hard to say, but at this stage, the results look promising. A further 6 months down the line will be interesting to see how the diet lasts long-term like it is supposed to. Additionally, it seems almost like the weight is coming off too quickly, which is another reason why we feel that sticking to this diet for more than a couple of months might actually be bad for your health.

Who Is It Right For?

If you are looking for answers to questions like What to eat to lose weight in 2 weeks? How to lose weight fast in 2 weeks? 7-day diet plan for weight loss, how to lose weight in 2 weeks? how to lose weight in 15 days? Then this is a perfect match for you.

Without a doubt, anybody that has tried the low calorie, low carb, low-fat bland diet routines and found it hard to shift weight should pay attention to this one. Whilst we are keen on exercise, there are no real “in your face” commands for you to go running or swimming or anything like that. The truth is that this plan can be effective even if you just follow the meal plan and 10 rules alone.

There’s nothing complicated or expensive to endure, which we think makes up part of this diet plan’s unique appeal.

Therefore, it’s clearly best suited to casual dieters that don’t have the time, money, or inclination to exercise all day and night and still want to eat “normal everyday” foods without feeling left out of the nice stuff (particularly when dining out!).

Sadly, if you’re looking for a really long-term plan then this might actually be a bad decision. This diet seems squarely focused on people who need to drop that initial bulk of fat and body weight so that they can feel motivated and good about themselves enough to start/continue eating healthier foods and live a more active lifestyle.

Equally, for those who need a quick emergency plan to lose weight before a certain occasion (think brides to be, guys going for a medical, etc) then this is the sort of plan that can be a sure savior.

The key, of course, is to continue the mindset, motivation, and general daily eating habits after the diet is over so that you don’t eventually pile it all back on.

The guide does cover the long-term approach towards the end, but keep in mind the main focus of the 2 Week Diet plan is short-term faster results.

Product Rating

The 2 Week Diet Brian Flatt Review

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